The Craton Foundation

The Craton Foundation was founded in March 2010, with the purpose of addressing welfare issues within Namibia. The Foundation owns 5% of Craton Mining and Exploration (Pty).

The Foundation was created as a tool to address the specific social needs within the area of influence of the Omitiomire Project, and to allow the engagement of dedicated Trustees to focus on a suitable programme.

Community consultations have been conducted in the Steinhausen and Summerdown areas, in order to assess the needs of farmers and their employees. A few projects that have been identified are:

  • Resumption of the clinic in Summerdown by Ministry of Health & Social services together with the Johanniter organization. This was stopped due to COVID and never resumed. The reinstallation of this clinic will provides healthcare on a quarterly basis to the area, which is not served by hospitals or other health facilities.
  • Black Nossob Crime Prevention Forum – this is an organization started and operated by the farmers of the Steinhausen and Witvlei communities, to address the increasing crime within their area, including poaching and theft.
  • An orphanage at Drimiopsis that provides care to up to 20 children.

Further community consultations will be conducted with the communities of Hochfeld, Summerdown, and Omitiomire, to assess possible projects.