

Namibia: an established mining jurisdiction with strong local infrastructure and international logistics opportunities.

The project is located approximately 120km NE of Windhoek, Namibia’s capital city, which has a population of approximately 430,000.

Namibia has a long history of mining and skilled workers are readily available. There are few settlements nearby to the project, resulting in minimal social and community upheaval.

Mine development will result in the creation of 800-1000 direct jobs.

Omico holds regular community engagement with local stakeholders, including attending Farmers Association Meetings


The optimum solution to power the project is a 70/ 30 mix of grid power from state-owned Nampower with the addition of solar PV. An application for a load connection has been submitted to Nampower with an estimated requirement of 25MW.


Given that Namibia is an arid country and water is a highly valued resource, the process design focuses on water preservation (minimising evaporation) and maximum water re-use. Copper heap leaching, solvent extraction and electro winning (SX/EW) are a closed circuit, with the main loss of water in the evaporation from the heaps and various ponds.

Craton has identified an aquifer approximately 90km east of the project which will sustainably provide sufficient water for the process.

Location Plan